Snerdey Web Designs

Back in 2004 I created this logo and stuck with it forever. About 10 years ago I married a local Ukrainain gal who was star stuck by my karaoke abilities. She’s my best friend and we’re 2 peas in a pod as they say.


I live for the summer time as my home away from home is South Padre Island, Texas! So, I’ve been working remote for 18 years now. With my laptop, hotspot and phone it’s digital nomad time!

Hi, I’m Scott Lawrence also known on the web as Snerdey to my clients and friends with over 3,500 websites sold by yours truly. It’s a hobby that grew into a massive challenge that I accepted 18 years ago and absolutely love what I do everyday.

I was supposed to finish HS in 2003, yeah I’m a dropout but only because I started a contracting service during summer that turned into my 1st business. Was working for SWBT as a sub-contractor, then AT&T at age “18” as was tall for my age 6’6″ and only 16. No ID checks back then, just a resume.

Learned all about Hotel PBX Systems, software, building custom solutions and commercial telephone systems. Long distance billing software systems for massive hotels, communications dish systems to splicing 500 pair telephone cables. Later moved on to work at American Online (AOL). That’s where I learned all about customer care, service. I also learned all about the search engines, website and backups as well as internet security.

My initial websites were Flash Animation, it was the next best thing back in 2004. Became the #2 affiliate in the world for TemplateMonster. Many projects I’ve done are part of non-disclosure agreements (NDA) and I tend not to show clients anyway as there are people out there that want to cause troubles, spam and waste time with trying to access what is not theirs.

As I specialize in affordable hosting, web services there’s room for complex custom website projects, these are scheduled so the daily services are not impacted. Sometimes I have to say no, but I do my best to say yes!

There are massive teams of people working in 10 data centers across the globe. Same hosting provider since day one and growing to data center #11 up next. I’ve provided hosting to each client since day one, they love the service and savings!

Contact me, I’ll listen to you so I can understand your vision in order to provide you with a plan of action to get your business website to match or exceed your expectations. At times, some ideas are out there and I might bring in someone to work with me on your project.

Normally, I’ll visit with you on phone for quick summary, advise ball park price and it’s up to you if you’d like to setup a zoom to move forward.